Bold. Distinctive. Biblical.
A Principle-Approach® Pre-K–12 Christian School in Lancaster County, PA


Please note that this information is general in nature. Specific class schedules, which provide meeting days and times, are available after July 30. Please note that field studies are not included in these prices.

Please refer all inquiries to Karol Hasting, Admissions Director, at (717) 285-2000 or by email.


Homeschool students can get involved in Dayspring in a variety of ways, including taking classes on the Dayspring campus or from DCA Online. The following policies and procedures apply to homeschool students who choose to get involved at Dayspring Christian Academy:

1. Before online scheduling is determined, each family must meet with the Admissions Director. High school students and parents must also meet with the Director of Curriculum and Instruction to review course prerequisites, review end-of-year evaluations, and determine placement. Placement in Honors or College Prep courses is determined by the Director of Curriculum and Instruction.

2. Homeschool interaction students in high school may take up to two honors, Advanced Placement (AP), or dual credit courses per year. Enrollment in Honors High School is available only for traditionally-enrolled, full-time students.

3. Homeschool interaction students in any grade may take up to 3 courses per year.

4. Homeschool interaction students in grades 6-12 may join their classmates for lunch if their scheduled course is immediately before or after lunch. If a student is taking classes that are not in sequence on the schedule (e.g., periods 1 and 3, but not period 2), the student can be assigned to a study hall for period 2 for an additional fee.

5. In grades 6-12, homeschool interaction students may join clubs for an additional fee. However, only traditionally-enrolled students may participate in Student Government, National Honor Society, and Yearbook.

6. A non-refundable Registration Fee of $25.00 is required.

7. School standards for attendance, tardiness, and discipline apply.

8. Participation in field studies and other special events is tied to specific courses. Field studies are not included in the cost of the course.

9. Fees are paid in full in advance or by the first day of each marking period. Fees are non-refundable after the marking period starts. Field study fees must be paid on the timetable provided by the course teacher.

10. Because of extreme schedule changes on Grandparents’ Day, homeschool interaction students should not report to school that day.

11. Specific course schedules are available from the Admissions Office after July 30. Important: Dayspring uses a six-day cycle for scheduling.

12. Typically, regular class periods last 42 to 80 minutes and occur over the entire year.

13. The student must provide standard supplies, including pens, pencils, laptop (grades 6-12), a 1” three-ring binder per course, and college-ruled paper.

14. Homeschool interaction students dress in a fashion similar to our traditionally-enrolled students:

  • Boys: navy blue slacks (no jeans) and a white shirt. At the high school level, a tie and dress shoes must be worn. Boys and girls at all levels may wear blue or red sweaters (cardigan or V-neck pullover).
  • Girls: navy blue skirt or slacks (no jeans) and a white shirt. Dress shoes must be worn.
Homeschool Courses & Costs
Lower School Courses Cost
Writing Road to Reading (Phonics) $1760
Mathematics $1760
English $1760
History $880
Science $880
Geography $880
Literature $1760
Physical Education $880
Art $880
Music $880
Spanish (grades 1-2) $880
Spanish (grades 3-5) $880
Music/Choir $880
Pilgrim Day and Shakespeare Festival $60
Science/Art Fair $60
Upper School Courses Cost Credits
Art $999 0.5 (HS only)
Bible $1998 1 (HS only)
Choir $1998 1 (HS only)
Honors Choir $2398 1.2 (HS only)
Drama Call for pricing. Tryouts Required
English (grades 6-8) $1998 0
English / Literature (grades 9-12) $1998 1
History HS $1998 1 (HS only)
History MS $1998 0
Latin (grades 6-8) $1998 0
Logic $999 0.5
Mathematics HS $1998 1 (HS only)
Mathematics MS $1998 0
Choir (6 & 8) $1998 0
Music I $1998 1
Music II $1998 1
Physical Education (9th grade) $1998 1 (HS only)
Rhetoric $999 .5
Science (grades 6-8) $1998 0
Science (grades 9-12) $1998 1
Spanish (grades 9-12) $1998 1
Health-MS $999 0
Health-HS $999 .5
Study Hall $294 0
Honors Psychology $2597 1.3
Honors US History $2597 1.3
Honors British Literature $2597 1.3
Honors English Language and Composition $2597 1.3
AP Statistics $2597 1.3
AP Calculus AB $2597 1.3
AP Calculus BC $2597 1.3
Honors Chemistry $2597 1.3
AP Biology $2597 1.3
2D Art and Design $2597 1.3
Career Guidance $25/hour 0

Ready to Enroll?

Visit our Homeschool Interaction registration page now!

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